According to the specificities of each project / company, the Project Finance team provides a range of services initially based on the development of a financial model and on the optimization of the financing structure, in the identification and management / allocation of the various risks inherent to the project, as well as in negotiating partnership and financing solutions, in order to ensure successful operations.
The Project Finance area is based on 3 pillars:
1. Structuring
An architecture of global solutions that, comprising products with different natures, are specifically adjusted to each project's needs. It is also possible to design specific products, as long as they optimize the project's structure and fits into the market practices.
2. Instruments
Senior and subordinated debt, bond loan structuring operations, hybrid products, senior and subordinated debt combinations, guarantees, trading of complementary risk hedging, and negotiating financial agreements with multilateral entities.
3. Monitoring
Follow-up and management of the project throughout its entire life cycle, acting as the key link between the company and the group of funders.